The difference between 304 & 316 stainless steel

The main difference between 304 & 316 stainless steel:
304 does not contain molybdenum
316 contains 2-3% molybdenum and less chromium and more nickel.

The additional molybdenum:
providing pitting resistance in phosphoric acid, acetic acid and dilute chloride solutions
providing corrosion resistance in sulfurous acid.

AISI 304 has a 18% Cr and 8% Ni and therefore known as 18/8 stainless steel, while AISI 316 stainless steel has a 16% Chromium and 10% Nickel.

SS304 vs SS316 Difference in Chemical Composition (%)

ElementCarbon (C)Manganese (Mn)Silicon (Si)Phosphorus
Nitrogen (N)Chromium (Cr)Nickel (Ni)Molybdenum (Mo)

SS304 vs SS316 Difference in Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength (Ultimate) MpaTensile Strength (Yield) MpaElongation A50 mm (2″)Hardness (Brinell)Hardness (Rockwell B)
304≥515 Mpa [75]≥205 Mpa [30]≥40%≤201≤92
316≥515 Mpa [75]≥205 Mpa [30]≥40%≤217≤95

SS304 vs SS316 Difference in Physical Properties

DensityMelting PointThermal ConductivityThermal ConductivityThermal ExpansionThermal Expansion
kg/dm3 (20℃/68℉)℃/℉100℃/212℉500℃/932℉0-100℃/212℉0-500℃/932℉
3047.931398-1454 ℃
16.2 W/m.K21.5 W/m.K17.2 10^-6/K18.4 10^-6/K
31681370-1397 ℃
2498-2546 ℉
16.3 W/m.K21.5 W/m.K15.9 10^-6/K18.5 10^-6/K
Electrical ResistivityModulus of ElasticityHeat Resistance
Ω . m2/m 20℃/68℉kN/mm2 20℃/68℉
3040.73193 GPacontinuous use at 425-860 °C  (797-1580 °F) may cause corrosion.
3160.74193 GPaperforms best above 843 ℃ (1550 ℉) and below 454 ℃ (850°F)

SS304 vs SS316 Difference in Application & Cost

304 SS Application:
Food preparation: Fryers, food prep tables
Kitchen equipment: outdoor kitchen cabinet, cookware, kitchen sink
Architectural: siding, elevators, bathroom stalls, shower room/enclosure
Medical: medical cabinet, carts, trays
Cost: middle, practical and economical, affordable
316 SS
Water-handling: boilers, water heaters
Marine environment & Coastal area: boat rails, wire rope, boat ladders
Chemical processing equipment
Medical equipment: surgical tools
Others: watch, clock, etc
Cost: around 40-50% higher than 304
Corrosion: more resistant than 304 due to additional 2-3% molybdenum


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